Your Help is NeededA single donation makes a world of difference.

You Should KnowGiving doesn't have to be a difficult thing.

  • Step 1

    Click on any of the donation links throughout the site

  • Step 2

    Fill out the information

  • Step 3

    Click Submit

Impact a life today with your donation.

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One, Two, ThreeGetting involved is as easy.

Step 1: Donate

Your donation goes a long way to helping someone in need, and helping someone help themselves.

Step 2: Volunteer

We are always looking for passionate and engaged volunteers to help support our communities!

Step 3: Repeat

Donations and volunteering are the gift that keeps on giving. You will not regret reaching out to help someone, and doing it again is even more fulfilling.

Whatever Works for YouWe accept both PayPal and Credit Card.

Donate Today

***Community Faith Outreach Ministries is an IRS - 501(c)3 Designated Charitable Organization.  Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Solicitation of Contribution Registration Number# CH29855***